Role Playing Games
Geek City offers a wide variety of products for our Role Playing Games players. From Dungeons & Dragons to Pathfinder and more, you’ll find it at our store!
Looking to get started in your adventures? We offer a variety of different systems as well as some older books as well.
Just need to gear up with accessories? Geek City has you covered with dice, miniatures, mats and more! We carry a huge selection of Nolzur’s Marvelous Miniatures as well as pre-painted miniatures and Blind Boxes to help bulk up your monster selection!
For Dungeon Masters, both experienced and aspiring, check out our DUNGEON MASTER RESOURCES page!
And if you need help painting your new miniatures, head over to HOBBY SUPPLIES and learn some tips and tricks and see what all the store carries!
Just getting started in your Role Playing adventure? We can help! Quest on over to the store or inquire in our DISCORD and we’ll do what we can to gear you up and get you on your way! But just in case you’re a little lost, here are some descriptions of the most popular role playing games the store offers.
Popular Role Playing Game Systems
D&D 5TH EDITION – This is the latest in Wizards of the Coasts Dungeons & Dragons offerings. It’s also the most widely known RPG system at this moment. It’s easy to learn and very versatile so it’s great for beginners and younger folk!
PATHFINDER 2.0 – It’s been quite awhile since Pathfinder made its debut! The original Pathfinder was a breath of fresh air in what had grown stale with D&D, 2.0 continues this trend with some updated rules and new stories. It tends to be a system that favors veterans to RPGs than newcomers but is still easy to learn. The hardest part of Pathfinder for us is just keeping it in stock!
KIDS ON BIKES – Ever wanted to play out your own version of the Goonies? Maybe flesh out how your group of kids in Stranger Things would handle things? This is the system for you. Very simplistic and easy to pick up and run. Works well for younger folks as well.
There are so many more available than what’s listed above, so you’ll want to come to the shop to check out our selection!
And for all Role Playing Events, you’ll want to check out our EVENTS CALENDAR to see when the game you want is being played or schedule time for you and your friends to gather to play!
Store Hours
10am – 8pm Mon-Fri
10am – 6pm Sat-Sun