Hobby Supplies
Geek City is proud to offer a wide selection in Hobby Paints and supplies! Our paint selection is growing every season with more and more brands and colors being added all the time! We also keep a good selection of basing materials to really make your miniatures stand out. With all that going on, what else could we possibly offer? Well, Geek City also has several staff members well versed in painting miniatures to help you when you hit those road bumps!
Want to learn more about the paint side of our offerings? Check out the PAINTS AND TERRAIN page to learn more about the brands we offer and more about how they function.
Looking for ways to up your painting game? Check out TIPS & TRICKS for some helpful guides to bringing your miniatures to the next level!
And as always, check out our DISCORD to join the community and ask questions!

Store Hours
10am – 8pm Mon-Fri
10am – 6pm Sat-Sun